Welcome to our new Genetic Epidemiology Research Alliance, Australia’s first such Centre of Research Excellence funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council.
We’re busy creating our new GERA logo and website, which will be launching soon, but in the meantime we bring you some early highlights about GERA below.
Follow new developments over coming months by subscribing to our GERA eNews with the first issue available in November.
Genetic epidemiology research investigates how genetic factors contribute to health and disease in families and populations, and how genes interplay with lifestyle and environmental factors. Genes alone can cause some diseases, however, for many complex diseases both genes and environmental factors contribute to risk.
In particular, genetic epidemiology is a powerful tool in driving advances in ‘precision population health’. This involves bringing together available large-scale data and technological advancements to create more effective, personalised, and equitable health interventions.
Our mission is to embed the application of genetic epidemiology into population health research, initially focusing on three National Health Priority Areas: cancer control, mental health, and asthma.
We’ll show how advanced epidemiological methods can strengthen research outcomes and provide tailored health approaches by:
Melbourne School of Population and Global Health
The University of Melbourne
Level 3, 207 Bouverie Street, Carlton
Victoria, 3010, Australia